The Write Life

Seducing hearts, one story at a time, Author - Crystal R. Martin

My youngest daughter Kelsey just cried herself to sleep and I (mom) feel like a heel. Why is that? I now know why they say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I don't know who to credit, but boy is it ever true.

First you should know that Kelsey is eight almost nine and she has this care bear that she has had forever. It is a soft bedtime bear she lovingly named Care Be.

This morning I stopped at a garage sale only to find big plush bedtime bear for 50 cents. I thought it would be cute to put the small one away in exchange for the bigger soft one. Here was my cover story explaining the growth explosion while she was away at school.

When Kelsey came home, I told her that I spilled something on Care Be and had to wash him. I told her to go get him out of the dryer. She came back amazed at the change. I too pretended surprise asking her if she gave him vitamins for breakfast.

Everything went well until bedtime arrived. Did I forget to mention that she has slept with small Care Be since she was three? Ah I did forget to mention that, so bedtime arrived and she just knew it wasn't the original Care Be.

Now I am going to have to figure a way out of this mess without taking too much heat. Here is my plan. I am going to print up a letter from Care Be's mom introducing herself and explaining that Mom (me) didn't know she was trading places with Care Be for a short time. In order to get to know Kelsey, before revealing that she is Care Be's Mother. Pure genius or a recipe for disaster, I don't know yet, but I've got to try to fix this somehow....


Friday, August 29, 2008

Care Be's Grand Adventure - Or how one Mom messed up.

My youngest daughter Kelsey just cried herself to sleep and I (mom) feel like a heel. Why is that? I now know why they say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I don't know who to credit, but boy is it ever true.

First you should know that Kelsey is eight almost nine and she has this care bear that she has had forever. It is a soft bedtime bear she lovingly named Care Be.

This morning I stopped at a garage sale only to find big plush bedtime bear for 50 cents. I thought it would be cute to put the small one away in exchange for the bigger soft one. Here was my cover story explaining the growth explosion while she was away at school.

When Kelsey came home, I told her that I spilled something on Care Be and had to wash him. I told her to go get him out of the dryer. She came back amazed at the change. I too pretended surprise asking her if she gave him vitamins for breakfast.

Everything went well until bedtime arrived. Did I forget to mention that she has slept with small Care Be since she was three? Ah I did forget to mention that, so bedtime arrived and she just knew it wasn't the original Care Be.

Now I am going to have to figure a way out of this mess without taking too much heat. Here is my plan. I am going to print up a letter from Care Be's mom introducing herself and explaining that Mom (me) didn't know she was trading places with Care Be for a short time. In order to get to know Kelsey, before revealing that she is Care Be's Mother. Pure genius or a recipe for disaster, I don't know yet, but I've got to try to fix this somehow....



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