Wow yes I’ve been quiet for a while. College keeps me super busy it seems. But today I’ve been kind of reflecting back. The reason is because tonight is my twenty year reunion. While I am excited, I am also saddened in a sense. Let me see if I can explain.
Wise people say hindsight is twenty-twenty. I think I understand this expression now more than ever. It’s what leads to my sadness. I’m reading “Robert’s Rules of Writing” by Robert Masello, currently. I picked this book up in a recent trip to Powell’s with someone special, but that is another post altogether.
Something he said in Rule 22 “Pick Your Poison” got me to thinking. “That taste of ashes in your mouth is regret, and it’s something even Listerine can’t get rid of.” This struck home in a weird sense. I’ve done some pretty neat things, but I have also missed hundreds of neat things. Opportunities that could have been, I let slide for a variety of reasons.
Mainly out of fear, and naivety, I let so much slide that twenty years later, I look back and laugh and cry. Yes I settled down young and had children, which I by no means regret. But there are several other things I do regret. This post is not for me to sit and whine about my choices. I was young and naive, and lesson learned. The last nine months or so have taught me that it’s time to look forward and apply the lesson I learned. Don’t let fear hold you back, laugh often, and live in the moment.
While this may sound trite and over said, it’s something I feel I need to share, for myself and for anyone out there that might learn from what I’ve learned. Wish me luck tonight, because I’m going to have fun.
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Starting Over Years - Looking back to look forward
Wise people say hindsight is twenty-twenty. I think I understand this expression now more than ever. It’s what leads to my sadness. I’m reading “Robert’s Rules of Writing” by Robert Masello, currently. I picked this book up in a recent trip to Powell’s with someone special, but that is another post altogether.
Something he said in Rule 22 “Pick Your Poison” got me to thinking. “That taste of ashes in your mouth is regret, and it’s something even Listerine can’t get rid of.” This struck home in a weird sense. I’ve done some pretty neat things, but I have also missed hundreds of neat things. Opportunities that could have been, I let slide for a variety of reasons.
Mainly out of fear, and naivety, I let so much slide that twenty years later, I look back and laugh and cry. Yes I settled down young and had children, which I by no means regret. But there are several other things I do regret. This post is not for me to sit and whine about my choices. I was young and naive, and lesson learned. The last nine months or so have taught me that it’s time to look forward and apply the lesson I learned. Don’t let fear hold you back, laugh often, and live in the moment.
While this may sound trite and over said, it’s something I feel I need to share, for myself and for anyone out there that might learn from what I’ve learned. Wish me luck tonight, because I’m going to have fun.
- Sue Jarrard said...
I agree with you Crystal about "don't let fear hold you back, laugh often, and live in the moment".
In order to live life we must take chances and risks. Sometimes they may not end up the way that we had hoped for, but we have the experiences along the way, some good, some bad, that make us who we are today. The trick is, we must find the good in all of our experiences, even if they were not the best. We may have to search for the positives, but they are there.
We must learn to laugh at the small, simple things in life. If we sit around and wait for something big, we may not laugh very much, or very often.
We must enjoy the journey to our destination and enjoy it to it's fullest. If we wait till we reach our destination, we have missed most of the trip.
I learned a long time ago that we cannot search to others for happiness. We must find it within ourselves. Happiness is all about our perception and outlook. Is the glass half empty or half full? -
August 6, 2011 at 9:23 PM
I agree with you Crystal about "don't let fear hold you back, laugh often, and live in the moment".
In order to live life we must take chances and risks. Sometimes they may not end up the way that we had hoped for, but we have the experiences along the way, some good, some bad, that make us who we are today. The trick is, we must find the good in all of our experiences, even if they were not the best. We may have to search for the positives, but they are there.
We must learn to laugh at the small, simple things in life. If we sit around and wait for something big, we may not laugh very much, or very often.
We must enjoy the journey to our destination and enjoy it to it's fullest. If we wait till we reach our destination, we have missed most of the trip.
I learned a long time ago that we cannot search to others for happiness. We must find it within ourselves. Happiness is all about our perception and outlook. Is the glass half empty or half full?
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