I’ve been kind of crazy busy lately. With more and more additives how do I manage?
That is a great question that leads into something I want to discuss. It’s of a
similar vein to my last post regarding loving our spaces. So about two or three
weeks back I suffered a craving, which can be a good thing. It’s been
unseasonably warm, almost muggy in the evening here, and I longed to sit by an
open window with a cool breeze. I had the window in my creative/office space
blocked by my big desk, and the little round table I regularly use against the wall.
The craving got me to thinking about how to rearrange the area, making the window reachable. So I
swapped out the two desks. Okay so why am I taking up precious blog space to
share this? Another great question… I was sitting here tonight in the quiet by myself
when I realized more and more lately I do it. I stay up late, enjoying the cool
night air.
I sit and I plan my week, the next day, or I work in my
Midori Traveler’s Notebook. Or I paint
or work on whatever project I’m consumed by. It’s not really about that in and
of itself. The point is the space I have created soothes my soul. It’s really
quiet late at night, and a soft breeze blows in cooling the house. All the
lights are off minus the lamp you will see in the following pictures.
In the first one you can see the whole of the little round
table, my owl, the lamp, the wind chimes, my framed Kanji, and the window. In the second picture, I did a close up to
show you the soothing bits. The Kanji reads beauty and the wind chimes have a
moon. Both pictures sort of represent the mood it creates, and that is why I
chose to share them. I have found myself being more creative, productive, and
achieving more with the relaxation. So I’d truly like to know, how do you soothe
your soul? Is there a place that leads you to getting more done?
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