i. happier or sadder? Weirdly I'm happier
ii. thinner or fatter? About ten pounds heavier. You'll find out why in a bit.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer in experiences, financially about the same.
2. Births/additions to your family/friends? A good friend had a baby girl and I have a great niece.
3. Did anyone close to you die? Yes one of my best friends passed away on March 13th, 2013
4. Did you suffer illness or injury? Not really, thank god. 2012 had enough bad stuff to cover a few years.
5. Who was the best new person you met? There's three online. Cedrix E. Clarke, Callie Armstrong, and Anne Bisky, all via Twitter.
6. Who did you miss? My mother, like crazy every day, I felt the lack of her presence. I think sadness and loss add a depth to life that isn't there without it. I hope this makes sense.
7. How would you describe your personal fashion concept this year? Similar to last year except, I found new loves. Camisole type tank tops for layering, cannot stop gushing.
8. Did you travel this year? Eh not so much. Portland Or. is the farthest I went.
9. Where did most of your money go? Bills really, except this was the year of experiences. Tickets for Movies, Plays, Events.
10. What did you do on your birthday? Not a whole lot.
11. How did you spend Christmas? Most of Christmas Eve with my kids before they left, and then wiled away the evening hours with someone very special watching Christmas Story. Christmas day I sat alone watching cutesy Christmas Movies on ION.
12. What did you do last New Year's Eve?/How will you spend this New Year's Eve? Last year was just me and the kids. They are gone this year, so I don't know yet.
13. Favorite TV program this year? I don't watch a lot of t.v. Okay truthfully only two shows that really grab me, so it's a tie. Criminal Minds and The Big Bang Theory. "Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win."
14. Favorite movie of the year? This is tricky. I first saw "The Last Unicorn" this year. This is now my favorite movie ever, hands down! As for new releases, I really enjoyed Thor The Dark World. We saw it opening night. Seeing The Hobbit this coming week so it's a draw. :D
16. What was your greatest musical discovery? For Violin Music - Lindsey Stirling "Moon Trance" Celtic Music - "Two Moons Inn" and "Wolfs Blood" I don't know the artist of either of those.
18. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Neil Gaiman tied with Wil Wheaton, Paul and Storm, and Chris Helmsworth.
19. What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? A few. Feb. 27th -Wil Wheaton, March 13th Death of a good friend, June 30th - Neil Gaiman, and Nov. 23rd, - Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle.
20. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions? I didn't go into 2013 with any, but things I accomplished.
- Feb 25th, 2013, I smoked my last half cigarette and quit cold turkey.
- I began writing again and finished things.
- Experiences that took my breath away - I saw Wil Wheaton. I met Neil Gaiman. and I saw "The Last Unicorn", on the big screen and met the Author Peter S. Beagle.
- Have more experiences that take my breath away
- Write More
- Find a job
- Take my spirituality to another whole level.
i. stop doing? Worrying so much, having negative thoughts about myself.
ii. keep doing? Writing and having more experiences
iii. start doing? Working
23. What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
24. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Fly Fishing With Nettie, Shades, A Christmas To Remember. All fresh Writing. I made my altar.
25. What was your biggest failure? Not finding a job. I graduated, but without work history the degree is sort of useless. :(
26. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Meeting Neil Gaiman. It was beyond anything I could have imagined.
27. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
The year was immensely satisfying, outside of finding employment.
28. What do you wish you'd done more of? Having experiences that stole my breath, writing, more meditation.
29. What do you wish you'd done less of? Housework.
30. What are you grateful for this year? Someone special in my life, my spirituality, the things I've learned.
31. What was the biggest surprise of the year? Again Neil Gaiman, this just made the year, blew my mind.
32. What did you want and get? A gift that someone knew I would like. This may sound weird, but it's always been something someone else might like. I received two gifts this year, because someone knew that it would be something that "I" would like. They took the time to see me. Yeah it's kinda heart melting.
33. What did you want and not get? Snow?
34. What stressed you out? Seeking employment and being rejected repeatedly.
35. What kept you sane? Fun, experiences, writing, and my spirituality grew a lot this year.
36. What valuable life lesson(s) have you learned this year? Spirituality for me is important. I've taken it to a new level as a pagan. I'm coming out of the pagan closet so to speak.
37. What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year? A job that I can support myself and three teenagers with.
39. What are you most looking forward to next year? More experiences with someone special.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
In the scheme of things, well we're nothing at all
So play with me, come play with me
If you think about it man you know we got it all
Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freely
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...
That was really interesting Crystal. So glad you enhanced your spirituality. Inner peace can really freak some people, who want you to be angry, out.
I just bought 'The Ocean at the end of the Lane' and I am now more excited than ever to start it.
I am currently 400 pages into the Luminaries so as soon as I have finished that I can start The Ocean.
Here's hoping that 2014 is a good one for you.
Jo I apologize for taking this long, Blogger has been very bad. I really hope you enjoy Ocean. Yes inner peace and positivity do bother those that try to drag us down, but I refuse to give away my power any longer. I do hope 2014 is on track for you. :)
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