So as you all know I was nominated by the lovely and talented Sarah Foster over at the Faux Fountain Pen for a Liebster Award. So here it is…
The Rules
Post 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
Nominate 11 more bloggers who have less than 200 followers and let them know they’ve been nominated.
Provide 11 questions for those bloggers to answer.
So here are the random 11 facts
I have written fan fiction.
I like anime and manga from Japan.
I love pork in all its glorious forms including bacon.
My favorite holiday is Winter Solstice.
I absolutely love Sailor Moon.
My music tastes are eclectic.
My favorite whiskey is Makers Mark (Useful for bribery. ;)).
I love chocolate and caramel.
I make fantastic, real-baked cheesecake.
My element is earth.
Last but not least, I am a Washi tape addict.
And my nominees are…sadly I don’t have 11. I have seen different rules on followers. So one says 200 followers, and another says 3,000. I could not tell how many people followed you guys so I hope you’ll forgive me if you are over 200.
Cedrix E. Clarke
Callie Deanne
Barbara Spencer
Joseph Eastwood
The 11 questions given to me…
If you could dress up as anyone/anything for Halloween, what would it be? I just did, and I was one hot witch. Lol ;)
If you could only write one genre of books for the rest of your life, what would it be? Paranormal Romance with other elements.
Where were you when you were struck with the idea for your current WIP? Did something trigger the idea or did you pull it out of thin air? I was at the Oregon coast.
Who is your celebrity crush? Hmmm this one is complicated, 1.) Neil Gaiman 2.) Wil Wheaton 3.) Chris Hemsworth 4.) Pharrell Williams 5.) Adam Levine. Top five, yeah I can’t decide either.
What literary character would you want to be best friends with? BONUS: Which one of YOUR characters would you want to be best friends with? Describe him or her. The Marquis De Cabaras, from Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. I figure this gentleman would have some fascinating stories worth sharing.
You have to pull off a huge heist (such as robbing a casino like in Ocean's Eleven). Who do you want on your team? You can pick people you know, celebrities, or any fictional characters (but no magical powers!). Neil Gaiman, Hermione Grainger, Albus Dumbledore, and last but not least my someone special. If you can’t figure out the reason for my choices, we’re lost. It’s not magic obviously.
What is your least favorite household chore? Changing my sheets, I have a California king size waterbed with just a pillow top mattress.
Has there ever been a book/movie/TV show that made you sob uncontrollably? Several but two memorable ones The Last Unicorn movie, because I could really feel her pain at the end. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, The book – Dumbledore’s death wrecked me, because he is like the greatest wizard like ever, hands down. I thought for a bit it was faked on purpose. :s
Has one of your favorite books ever been made into a movie and you hated it? If not, did you love it? Why? Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban – I thought they did a fairly good job. This is my favorite of the Harry Potter books.
How do you take your coffee? Do you like flavored coffee? (Or what is your favorite tea if you’re a tea person?) I only drink flavored coffees and my rule is one a day. A Caramelizer from Dutch Brothers is my weakness.
What would your demise be that gets you kicked out of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? (You can pick one from the book/movies or come up with your own!) The bubbly floating soda. I always wanted to drink some too.
And finally the 11 Questions for my nominees
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Which of your characters do you relate to the most and why?
If you had to pick an Avenger to save the world which one? Justify?
What does the Fox say? I need answers… ;)
What is your favorite Book or Movie or both?
Pantser or Planner?
How do you combat writers block?
What is your favorite writing beverage?
Have you ever attempted NaNoWriMo and if so were you successful?
Do you have a writing routine?
What music do you write to, if you do? If not what background sounds fill your writing mood?
Ha! I love reading the responses to my questions :)
Who doesn't love bacon? And chocolate and caramel. And cheesecake...
I'm glad you enjoyed reading them. Do you happen to know how to add the button to your blog? :)
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