Hey yes I've been quiet for a good long time. I do humbly apologize. My journey is weird. I can't tell you except to say that I was blocked. So this little project was the crack in the dam.
Here we go…My vision of something I shared on Face Book. Someone
requested a *do* version rather than the *do not* version. So without further
First, listen to your intuitive knowing. Learn to trust it.
It will never lead you astray. Next tell those important to you that you love
them. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Your actions should show it as well, but that
is kind of a given.
Stand up for yourself, which means demand the respect for
yourself that you show to others. Revisit my first statement, and learn to pay
attention to your knowing. Keep your
comments regarding yourself, kind, if not awesome. This takes time, and
awareness. Learn to stop the negative you have learned. My advice is to learn
to say it out loud. When I catch my thoughts being negative, I respond aloud
with “Stop...Kindness only.” It almost instantly shifts my perspective.
Follow your dreams. Never lose hope. This is one I struggle
with daily, but I still refuse to be quashed. Learn the power of saying “No”.
It can be freeing. Also learn the power of saying “Yes” when you should. It can
be rewarding, beyond all expectations. Again refer to my first bit of advice.
Listen to your intuition.
Kindness is the order of every day. Think of it like this,
kindness is like water needed in a drought. Sprinkle that shit everywhere. Learn
to accept that there are things you can’t control, and be okay with it. For
example, you cannot control other people’s actions. You can control how you
choose to react. Learn to disengage from the drama and negativity around you.
Lastly this one is most important! LOVE – This one needs no
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