The Write Life

Seducing hearts, one story at a time, Author - Crystal R. Martin

Saturday morning I was up early and ready to go again. I got my usual coffee and hurried across town. I can't explain the level of excitement thrumming through me. I was alive with nerves and curiosity.

Funny story really, I had not yet met the psychic. Well I walked in and this lady is like, "May I help you?" I kind of went, "well I think I need to talk to her." I pointed at the lady that had told me to come see the psychic. The lady looks at me and says, "She's the one that wanted to ask you a question."

^-^;; This is so my luck. Anyway the Lady was very gracious, and answered my questions. I did not have a tarot reading done. I may go back for one, but I am still searching for my own deck so that I can do it myself. We shall see. Now for the good stuff.

The Vertigo I mentioned? Well, I did ask, and it turns out that the earthquake that morning in Seattle had affected her. I had felt off too, but did not realize why. So the vertigo was literal, but brought about by the earth's movements.

She answered my questions, and I was relieved to have someone confirm most of what I knew. I now also understand the term lightning rod better and how it relates to me. I also have a semi-label for myself which I knew, but I hadn't thought of it in that sense.

You see a bit of personal information will explain. I am quite sensitive... My body is over-whelmed by strong medications, my skin is quite sensitive. I have sensory issues, smells bug me, as well as sounds, and sometimes even visuals can overwhelm me. I hope this makes sense. Also my nervous center is sensitive. All in all I am literally sensitive....physically, spiritually, and emotionally...

So when she pointed out that I was a sensitive, I was taken aback. I had never put it all together in that package....


Monday, February 9, 2009

Psychic story update as promised....

Saturday morning I was up early and ready to go again. I got my usual coffee and hurried across town. I can't explain the level of excitement thrumming through me. I was alive with nerves and curiosity.

Funny story really, I had not yet met the psychic. Well I walked in and this lady is like, "May I help you?" I kind of went, "well I think I need to talk to her." I pointed at the lady that had told me to come see the psychic. The lady looks at me and says, "She's the one that wanted to ask you a question."

^-^;; This is so my luck. Anyway the Lady was very gracious, and answered my questions. I did not have a tarot reading done. I may go back for one, but I am still searching for my own deck so that I can do it myself. We shall see. Now for the good stuff.

The Vertigo I mentioned? Well, I did ask, and it turns out that the earthquake that morning in Seattle had affected her. I had felt off too, but did not realize why. So the vertigo was literal, but brought about by the earth's movements.

She answered my questions, and I was relieved to have someone confirm most of what I knew. I now also understand the term lightning rod better and how it relates to me. I also have a semi-label for myself which I knew, but I hadn't thought of it in that sense.

You see a bit of personal information will explain. I am quite sensitive... My body is over-whelmed by strong medications, my skin is quite sensitive. I have sensory issues, smells bug me, as well as sounds, and sometimes even visuals can overwhelm me. I hope this makes sense. Also my nervous center is sensitive. All in all I am literally sensitive....physically, spiritually, and emotionally...

So when she pointed out that I was a sensitive, I was taken aback. I had never put it all together in that package....



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