The Write Life

Seducing hearts, one story at a time, Author - Crystal R. Martin

So it’s early 2018 and I hear you yelling. “Where the hell have you been?” It’s been almost seven months right? I get it… So as an explanation here goes. In June the last time I posted my first grandchild was a week out from being born. She is amazing! Meet Paisley.


Outside of that at the end of May I ended up with another message to deliver. I also worked all summer with no weekends off. Because I try to post new blogs on Mondays, this left me little to no energy and lots of upset. As well as lots of weird things happening, the spiritual lessons continued. 

In September the job ended, and new challenges arose. October through December was a dark area. I didn’t tell a lot of people the job ended, because there is a lot of emotional baggage that I am working on releasing. I was guilty and ashamed, and I've had to let that go. I had to understand that it was monkey brain trying to make me feel horrible. 

 I was also called to stand up for my truth and beliefs. I lost people I thought were close to me. I’m not detailing the mess, but suffice it to say, I will share what I learned, and my truth.

 “I get to choose the energy I surround myself with, and if that includes cutting negative people off on social media then so be it.” I believe that as pagans we should strive to embody that which we claim to believe. For me this means coming at things from a place of love. I have no room in my life for name-calling, belittling people, hatred, bashing others, because these behaviors do nothing but create drama. They do not ever get a message across or solve problems.

There were also lessons on a new way of being. It ties in to coming from a place of  love. I am still moving forward on this front, and it’s revolutionizing my journey. In late December it broke me open all over again.

On the plus side, I am making videos again. It’s leading me to a place of more freedom, more to come about this soon. I will post the link to my channel here so you can check out the newest ones and subscribe if you’d like to see more.

The year 2017 was all about focus. It became my word. For me focus was the lesson of which priorities were truly important, and why I wasn’t giving them the attention they deserved. My writing was being ignored for lesser things. I like to say I was out of focus. In an upcoming post, I want to explore some of the deeper lessons. As my sister said, don’t waste time with writing that does not have impact. I hope you’ll check it out.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Where Did You Go...And Other Honest Updates

So it’s early 2018 and I hear you yelling. “Where the hell have you been?” It’s been almost seven months right? I get it… So as an explanation here goes. In June the last time I posted my first grandchild was a week out from being born. She is amazing! Meet Paisley.


Outside of that at the end of May I ended up with another message to deliver. I also worked all summer with no weekends off. Because I try to post new blogs on Mondays, this left me little to no energy and lots of upset. As well as lots of weird things happening, the spiritual lessons continued. 

In September the job ended, and new challenges arose. October through December was a dark area. I didn’t tell a lot of people the job ended, because there is a lot of emotional baggage that I am working on releasing. I was guilty and ashamed, and I've had to let that go. I had to understand that it was monkey brain trying to make me feel horrible. 

 I was also called to stand up for my truth and beliefs. I lost people I thought were close to me. I’m not detailing the mess, but suffice it to say, I will share what I learned, and my truth.

 “I get to choose the energy I surround myself with, and if that includes cutting negative people off on social media then so be it.” I believe that as pagans we should strive to embody that which we claim to believe. For me this means coming at things from a place of love. I have no room in my life for name-calling, belittling people, hatred, bashing others, because these behaviors do nothing but create drama. They do not ever get a message across or solve problems.

There were also lessons on a new way of being. It ties in to coming from a place of  love. I am still moving forward on this front, and it’s revolutionizing my journey. In late December it broke me open all over again.

On the plus side, I am making videos again. It’s leading me to a place of more freedom, more to come about this soon. I will post the link to my channel here so you can check out the newest ones and subscribe if you’d like to see more.

The year 2017 was all about focus. It became my word. For me focus was the lesson of which priorities were truly important, and why I wasn’t giving them the attention they deserved. My writing was being ignored for lesser things. I like to say I was out of focus. In an upcoming post, I want to explore some of the deeper lessons. As my sister said, don’t waste time with writing that does not have impact. I hope you’ll check it out.



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