The Write Life

Seducing hearts, one story at a time, Author - Crystal R. Martin


Hi Darlings,


    Would you believe I started this on Leap Day, but midnight slipped past as I worked on it. What a wild year. We’re into March? Say what? How…what…where? You get what I’m saying right? February came and went literally in a blink. I tried to do a twenty-eight-day witchy challenge, and I got just over half done. Some are partially done, and some just slipped by. With work and writing it was challenging to find time for it all. I’m not unhappy by any means. The depth of my discovery was worthy. The things I did do, I thoroughly enjoyed. And I can still work on the rest. 

    As for work itself that is going well. It’s the first time in my whole life, where I feel fully competent on the job. Yes, I knew how to do the job in click list, but this is different somehow. I have the eye for detail.


    Valentines Day slipped by quietly. My significant other does not like the commercialization of said holiday. But me being a gift love language person, I found a solution. Awhile back we stopped at a farm stand and he bought Swedish Cardamom Buns. I’ve never had cardamom. So, I was able to get some cardamom. And as a nice thing, I said, “I know you don’t like the holiday, but gift giving is my love language, so I knew you enjoyed these, and I wanted to try them with you.” It was success. They really are good. They weren’t perfect shape wise, but tasted great. The recipe I found was for half a dozen. I ate one, left him the others. He was happily touched. 


    My oldest son and I also made a trip to Portland. He was picking up Silver Fish, I wanted to hit Barnes & Noble and Trader Joes. I like feeling Bougie. [Here’s the funny aside. I love the idea of the word bougie and know it comes from bourgeois. I have French blood. My Grandmѐre is probably turning over in her grave, but I love it.] We stopped at a Target, and I bought the newest Tessa Bailey book. We then hit Uwajimaya too. I love the Japanese Kinokuniya Bookstore. They have my Pilot Coleto Pens with the .04 ink refills. I only bought a couple of things at Trader Joes. But the best part was the flowers. I got a spray of Roses and they are beautiful. I also grabbed two more Sumo Oranges. 


    And now March is at the door, coming in like a lion if last night is any indication. Okay, I’ve rambled and shared enough. I love you all. Enjoy your coffee, books, and whatever else makes your little hearts happy!


So good to see you writing again. Would love to visit

Let's get coffee, do you still get out?

Friday, March 1, 2024

March Roaring in LIke A Lion


Hi Darlings,


    Would you believe I started this on Leap Day, but midnight slipped past as I worked on it. What a wild year. We’re into March? Say what? How…what…where? You get what I’m saying right? February came and went literally in a blink. I tried to do a twenty-eight-day witchy challenge, and I got just over half done. Some are partially done, and some just slipped by. With work and writing it was challenging to find time for it all. I’m not unhappy by any means. The depth of my discovery was worthy. The things I did do, I thoroughly enjoyed. And I can still work on the rest. 

    As for work itself that is going well. It’s the first time in my whole life, where I feel fully competent on the job. Yes, I knew how to do the job in click list, but this is different somehow. I have the eye for detail.


    Valentines Day slipped by quietly. My significant other does not like the commercialization of said holiday. But me being a gift love language person, I found a solution. Awhile back we stopped at a farm stand and he bought Swedish Cardamom Buns. I’ve never had cardamom. So, I was able to get some cardamom. And as a nice thing, I said, “I know you don’t like the holiday, but gift giving is my love language, so I knew you enjoyed these, and I wanted to try them with you.” It was success. They really are good. They weren’t perfect shape wise, but tasted great. The recipe I found was for half a dozen. I ate one, left him the others. He was happily touched. 


    My oldest son and I also made a trip to Portland. He was picking up Silver Fish, I wanted to hit Barnes & Noble and Trader Joes. I like feeling Bougie. [Here’s the funny aside. I love the idea of the word bougie and know it comes from bourgeois. I have French blood. My Grandmѐre is probably turning over in her grave, but I love it.] We stopped at a Target, and I bought the newest Tessa Bailey book. We then hit Uwajimaya too. I love the Japanese Kinokuniya Bookstore. They have my Pilot Coleto Pens with the .04 ink refills. I only bought a couple of things at Trader Joes. But the best part was the flowers. I got a spray of Roses and they are beautiful. I also grabbed two more Sumo Oranges. 


    And now March is at the door, coming in like a lion if last night is any indication. Okay, I’ve rambled and shared enough. I love you all. Enjoy your coffee, books, and whatever else makes your little hearts happy!


Carol said...

So good to see you writing again. Would love to visit

Crystal R, Martin said...

Let's get coffee, do you still get out?


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