The Write Life

Seducing hearts, one story at a time, Author - Crystal R. Martin

Today, according to all the calendars, is Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Which means all the kids are home torturing me and that does not make a great holiday. I'll tell you what, kids and writing don't mix. Thank god for my iPod. :)

I have a short story that I just finished. Nine-hundred some odd words that I do not have a title for yet. It is a delayed Christmas tale that has been percolating in my mind. I have recently been suffering from writers block, but just sitting down and pounding away seems to have helped. :D


Monday, January 19, 2009

Holiday...oh really?

Today, according to all the calendars, is Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Which means all the kids are home torturing me and that does not make a great holiday. I'll tell you what, kids and writing don't mix. Thank god for my iPod. :)

I have a short story that I just finished. Nine-hundred some odd words that I do not have a title for yet. It is a delayed Christmas tale that has been percolating in my mind. I have recently been suffering from writers block, but just sitting down and pounding away seems to have helped. :D



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